Levelling over floorboards

For floor constructions above existing floorboards, it is important that the floor is even, without significant differences in level. Loose Fill is excellently suited for levelling uneven floors. Loose Fill is manufactured from the natural raw material shale, in a special thermal process. Loose Fill does not contain any chemical additives and is therefore a high quality, environmentally-friendly material with outstanding grain strength. Old floorboards must first be provided with an appropriate trickle protection.

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Construction Example Product Nominal Thickness (mm)
Bottom plank floor
trickle protection
ribbed cardboard
Loose Fill ≥ 30
ribbed cardboard
Top flooring board ≥ 18
Product plank floor
Product trickle protection
Product ribbed cardboard
Product Loose Fill
Thickness ≥ 30
Product ribbed cardboard
Product flooring board
Thickness ≥ 18

Construction example. Details, exact dimensions and thicknesses can be found in the respective test certificates, standards and building regulations. Please observe the processing instructions.

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