Two companies came together to create a better future
Sonae Indústria
Founded in 1959, Sonae Indústria is a multinational company that produces wood-based panels. Rooted in the north of Portugal, it has sprouted to the world, developing products for the furniture, building and decoration industries that improve people’s standard of living. Using wood as the raw material for everything it produces, from the very start Sonae Indústria has made a point of using the natural resources in a sustainable way and to keep the environmental impact of its activities to a minimum. In 2016, it established a partnership with Arauco, one of the largest forestry product suppliers in the world, giving rise to Sonae Arauco.In addition to this strategic alliance, Sonae Indústria today has the largest particleboard industrial plant in North America, as well as plants for high-pressure laminates and components for furniture in Portugal and Germany.

Founded in 1970 with the mission of producing and managing renewable forestry resources, Arauco is today an international benchmark in terms of forestry and industrial plants, efficiency, production standards, innovation, environmental responsibility and social commitment. Originating in Chile, Arauco’s reach has now spread to over 75 countries. Over almost 50 years, it has increased and enhanced its forestry plantations through permanent research and the application of best global practices in relation to sustainability and conservation of trees, soils and biodiversity of its forested areas for future generations.