Raw materials from controlled sources


100% of the wood used by Sonae Arauco comes from sustainable, certified or controlled sources.


We are committed to the concept of sustainable use of raw materials and actively respect this principle in all business practices. We believe in efficient value chains which are capable of stimulating investment and active forest management. We only purchase wood from sources that are sustainably managed and carefully controlled.


In this context, Sonae Arauco holds the chain of custody certification PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) and FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) (FSC-C013589), in this case covering all industrial operations, from the two main global forest certification systems, whose mission is to promote sustainable forest management.


The company's contribution to active management of the forest includes other aspects, such as the promotion of forest certification in all geographies where it has industrial activity, as well as its involvement in promoting FSC® Portugal, as a member of the board, as well as in promoting FSC® Germany and Forest Stewardship Council® International, that Sonae Arauco joined in 2020.


We believe in efficient value chains which are capable of stimulating investments and active forest management



  PEFC Sonae Arauco